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Lee Scholtes

Lee Scholtes

Monday, 13 July 2020 14:49

Interview with Ritiu

Nametag Ritiu When did you start playing LOL? In the beginning of season three. In which teams have you already been playing? I have played for: SKT Luxemburg NK Black Team Impact LBL
Monday, 13 July 2020 14:14

Interview with IMPACT Rakusi

Nametag IMPACT Rakusi When did you start playing LOL? In the beginning of season four. In which teams have you already been playing? I have played for non professional teams: IMPACT (self made) In which tournaments have you participated? Luxemburg Gaming Experience Challengermode Benelux tournament
Monday, 13 July 2020 14:00

Interview with Kennetic

Nametag Kennetic When did you start playing LOL? In the beginning of season four In which teams have you already been playing? I have never been in a team, Brotherhood of the red lion is my first one. In which tournaments have you participated? Challengermode Benelux tournament
Sunday, 12 July 2020 19:29

Interview with Raitch/R4itch

Nametag Raitch/R4itch When did you start playing LOL? In the beginning of season one In which teams have you already been playing? I have played for: Imperial esports BigEU Esuba Intel H2K (substitute player) In which tournaments have you participated? Pepper cup (Gamescom) Dreamhack Leipzig Luxemburg Gaming Experience Sector One…
Wednesday, 22 July 2020 14:05

Review: Paper Mario Origami Kingdom

If you are a fan of the first Paper Mario “The thousand-year door”, which was released on Gamecube 22/07/2004, be prepared to be disappointed in many ways. Before we move on to the actual game, let`s get one thing straight, the new Paper Mario The Origami King, is not a…
Thursday, 16 July 2020 14:26

A dwarftastic game

Deep Rock Galactic Dwarfs in space! Congratulations, New Dwarven Employee, on signing up for DEEP ROCK GALACTIC, and thereby making the smartest decision of your life! Is it really the smartest decision of your life, well I doubt it 😉. So lets be serious, Deep Rock is a cooperative first-person…
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