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Sunday, 12 July 2020 19:29

Interview with Raitch/R4itch

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When did you start playing LOL?

In the beginning of season one

In which teams have you already been playing?

I have played for:

  • Imperial esports
  • BigEU
  • Esuba Intel
  • H2K (substitute player)

In which tournaments have you participated?

  • Pepper cup (Gamescom)
  • Dreamhack Leipzig
  • Luxemburg Gaming Experience
  • Sector One

Why is League of Legends your favourite game ?

Hard to tell, do I really like it after all? XD

What was the first game you have played, which you have been fascinated from? The game that inspired you to become a true gamer?

I grew up with the Gamecube and the Playstation2.

I became a true gamer due to League of Legends, because of the competitive challenges.

Which platform do you prefer?

Definitely PC

Which aspects are important for you in a game?

  • Atmosphere
  • Long term fun
  • Concept

What is your favourite genre?

I am only interested in strategic games.

How much time do you invest per day to your hobby?

That varies from four up to six hours per day.

How many games do you play through over a year?

I do not play that many games. Mostly I play League of Legends, sometimes H1Z1 and just for fun Diablo3.

How many games do you have in your collection?

I have about twenty-five games in my collection, but actively I only play 2 of them.

Why did you choose gaming as hobby and not another one like music, sports, art etc.?

I did some sport in my past, soccer and kickboxing. I Also did  some drawing.

When the first esports tournaments came out where I could finally qualify myself, I build up a passion, that I did not have with my other hobbies.

What was your most beautiful gaming experience?

One of my best moments was, when the manager of H2K contacted me and asked me to be a substitute player for their team. Unfortunately, have I never been in action for the League champion series. I also want to mention two more experiences, one, is that I have won the first Luxemburg Gaming Experience tournament, the other is, that I already could play for two big Esports teams in major tournaments.

Can you name three Games/Players, that inspired you? Why?

The player Froggen was my idol. He is also the reason why I am still playing Midlane in League of Legends.

Dyrus definitely inspired me, I had so many nice evenings, by watching his stream and through that League of Legends became one of my favourite games.

I do not have a third player that influenced my gaming career. The two I mentioned are those who motivated the most.

With which video character would you like to have diner if possible?

That is a good question, but definitely a Pokemon.

Do you see yourself still playing videogames when you are in a retirement home?

Nobody knows that for sure, maybe in the future I have another passion, we will see 😉

Which ability of a video character would you like to have in real life?

I would like to have the ability of Kirby, so I could engulf everything and fly away with it.

A fire outbreaks in your home, does your console and games count to the things you would save?

Definitely not, those things are replaceable. First of all, I would check on my loved ones (pets included), if then I still have enough time to save something else, I would look for keepsakes.

Read 1229 times Last modified on Sunday, 04 October 2020 20:55
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