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Thursday, 25 February 2021 18:28

Blizzcon 2021

Written by Manuel Da Cruz
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This edition of the Blizzcon 2021 has been a bit special. Due to the current pandemic, Blizzard presented their news at a free online conference. We were treated to new informations on upcoming content from their various franchises.

diablo 4diablo 4 1

We start this article with an information about Diablo 4. Blizzard hasn't given much information other than, that the video game won't be released in 2021 and they showed a video of a fourth character class in the game, the rogue. In the trailer, which shows us gameplay of the game, the agility and smooth movements of the new class has been put forward. This character will join the other classes already presented previously including the barbarian, the witch and the druid.

diablo 2 resurrected

Furthermore comes a remastered version of the cult hack and slash game that has marked the genre, "DIABLO 2". Blizzard has presented the return of this great classic, which was released on PC in 2000. The new remastered version will be released as "Diablo 2 Resurrected". The good news is, that it is expected to be released this year and even better news is, that the game will not be released only on PC but also on current game consoles. The different classes will be back, Amazon, Barbarian, Witch, Necromancer and Paladin. We will be entitled to HD graphics and the cutscenes will be redone. You can register to test the alpha version on Blizzard's launcher.

chains of domination

Additionaly we got informations on World of Warcraft. There are two news, the first is, the release of the new patch for the expansion of Shadowlands, which will be called "Chains of Domination". As always with a big update that will unlock a new location, Korthia, new dungeons and a raid, where the goal is to beat Lady Sylvanas.

The second news is the release of World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic. As for the vanilla World of Warcraft Classic version, it will be possible to replay this first cult expansion, which was released in 2007. Players have the option  to keep their lvl60 character on World of Warcraft Classic or copy their character from WOW Classic to the Burning Crusade Classic expansion. This extension will have its own dedicated servers.

We will find the two races that were present in this expansion, the Draenei and Blood Elves. You will be able to return to Shattrath and of course, you will be able to show your courage in classic dungeons such as Karazhan, the Caves of Time or the Storm Dungeon and above all, beat Illidan, if you are ready!

The next game Blizzard has given informations about is Hearthstone. There will be a new expansion called “Forged in the Tarrides”. Players will face enraged centaurs, terrible harpies, and shaggy howans. The novelty of this extension will have as a new keyword, "Frenzy". This is a new effect, that will trigger, when a minion gets damage for the first time.

Then, also become a classic at Blizzard, the Hearthstone card game, will be entitled to its Classic version. Old maps will reappear, such as the Pantheon map, which included Ysera, Deathwing, Malygos or Ragnaros.

Concerning news on Overwatch 2 and Heroes of the Storm, there really isn't any. For Overwatch 2, the only informations we got got, are comments and images by the developer from two maps, New York City and Rome.

For Heroes of the Storm, unfortunately nothing.


To conclude, for Blizzard's 30th anniversary, a pack named “Blizzard Arcade Collection” is available directly on its announcement on the Blizzcon 2021. These are three old games from the 90s from Blizzard studio, “Lost Vikings”, “Rock'N Roll Racing (1993) ”and“ Blackhawk (1994) ”. These games were released on the Super Nintendo, Mega Drive and Amiga. This compilation is available on PC, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 and XBox One.

blizzardcollection2Have fun!

Read 1431 times Last modified on Thursday, 04 March 2021 13:19


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