Franchises I love
Hello, this article will be one of the most fun to write. Simply because of the memories for this franchise. This franchise is by far the one I love the most. If I had to do a top 3 it would be easy to do. There's Final Fantasy first, Mario second, and Zelda hangs in the balance with Pokémon for the third place. For some who know me, they would say I forget Fifa. So no, I'm not forgetting Fifa, which is also an obligation for me. I also like this franchise, but emotionally it lags behind. While this is a game you can play at any time, the three franchises on my podium require a special mindset and above all, time. Because yes, when I start playing one of these games, I have to be sure that for a minimum of two or three hours I will not be interrupted. I need to be able to immerse myself and be able to do as much as possible to have fun that defies everything.
So let's take a look at the games in this franchise that I've played (or that most impressed me) in chronological order.
FF VIII and VII are the first (yes in that order) that I played and I thank my brother who discovered these games when we were young. I must have been nine or ten years old. I remember before that I didn't play video games that much. Then my brother had these games and we would time each other to see who was allowed to play next.
So I would often watch my brother play and try to do as well as him. The stories of these games, the way they were told hit me hard. I thought the storytelling was great and I was hooked by these games. After playing FF IX and X, which I liked a lot less at the time probably due to my young age. Released in 2002, its style of storytelling was less obvious to me to accept and understand I think. The same year were released the compilations including the FF I and FF II, FF IV and FF V, but also FF VI in game only. All this on Playstation first of the name.
I learned English with these compilations and played around trying to understand as much as possible. Once I start English lessons, one will help me progress in the other.
In 2007 I had an extra blow with FF XII, my attention turned a little more on the games. And presto, we have a hardcore FF lover. So I also took over FF I to VI. My playtime exploded with the IV, V and VI. The IV is excellent and the VI is one of their piece of art for me. The V is really cool due to the import of "Jobs", plus you can change as many time as you want. This well-shaken cocktail made me a die-hard fan of this franchise. I also took again FF II, which had a pretty cool gameplay which I did not understand too well due to my level of English which was still too low in 2002. It is to know that the games released on Playstation 1 were only available in English. and that we had to wait for the versions on Game Boy Advance (which I also have yes yes) to have them in French.
FF II was a little slap in the face for me too, as the fact that you didn't get an EXP point and had to register keywords to use with the right people at the right time was intriguing. You were asked to know how to manage your characters and the unfolding of the story on your own. It was pretty impressive for me and I found it exhilarating. I remember I had a game on Game Boy Advance that was pure genius, I felt unbeatable and it must be said the story was well told.
For Final Fantasy XIII, this was the first time that I had real expectations and that I followed the information regarding its development. I felt what I can feel a lot more often today when it comes to video games: A longing for a new game. Just that longing for a new adventure to play. I was also afraid as some reviews were starting to fall on the game and especially that it was taking a long time to finally come out on the market. With the game in hand, I spent my time solely on this game. It was one of those games that you just can't look away from. I finished the main story in about 65 or 70 hours, in two weeks. Yes, an average of about 5 hours a day. This game made me love the franchise even more. However, I also understood the main criticism of the game which was that it was a bit of a “direct and straight line” game, with less freedom than what you are used to having. It was not wrong and it was more or less obvious at times. That didn't stop me from loving this game.
And then came the wait for Final Fantasy XV. Between the 12th and 13th there was a three-year wait. From 2007 to 2010. For FF XV we had to wait for 2016, six years therefore.
At this point I want to give an update on the FF games I have. We are now in 2016/17 and I have: FF 1 to 6 three times, except FF III of which I only have the Remake on DS, I have FF 7 to 9 twice (I did not yet have the Switch so today also three times for these games), I have FF X, X-2, FF XII twice because I bought the PS4 version as well. I have FF XIII and inevitably also FF XV which arrives last at this time.
I didn't want to spoil anything for the game because I remember how many feelings I had for the previous game. So even almost a year after its release I don't know anything about the game except that you have a great customizable car and some pretty special characters with you and that you will be in Bromance mode. Once I had the game, I couldn't look away. I played a significant number of hours and loved each one. This game is a pure masterpiece for me. Everything was good in this game. Everything you could have to do, main quests, side quests, quests to improve the car, hunt monsters, cook for better stats, how to heal yourself by hitting others with your magic, how to use magic, how to lead each character. Everything, everything is superbly done and nothing would have to be changed if it only concerns me. I liked every point in this game. I find no fault with it.
What I liked most was the storytelling and the gist of the story. I must say that the way everything is told, I put this game in number 1. It is touching, addicting, beautiful and even poetic. It goes against the way of fighting which is more nervous, powerful and dynamic.
Since then I haven't had enough to satiate myself, but once the Nintendo Switch in hand I bought FF VII from FF IX. I finished the IX first because it is very beautiful I think. A beautiful story and the graphic style I like very much.
My dream right now would be to get an import of the "classics" FF I to VI on the Switch. It would be really nice to be able to enjoy it, especially when you see that you can enjoy classics like Dragon Quest I to III, FF Legends or the "Mana" games are available, so why not those?
Like most people, I had the pleasant surprise of seeing the presentation of the youngest, Final Fantasy XVI. A return to medieval fantasy, a return of crystals and a new way of seeing Shiva, Ifrit and the others we have called Espers, Eons, G-Force or even Eidolons. Everything looks very promising. When we see the video we also realize that there will be more blood visible than we are used to, the director who is the one who took care of FF XI And XIV is trustworthy. Everything is therefore implemented so that the last of the franchise is at the height of its elders.
In short, you will understand I find no fault with this franchise and their developer Square Enix formerly Square Soft. The future looks bright as a future FF will be released and that's already good. Final Fantasy has given me a lot over the past 15 to 20 years and I've loved playing around with every character that these games have given me the chance to control. Rich, sad and happy stories. Epic and frustrating fights. Today there are great memories and tomorrow there are new quests to discover. I look forward to writing to you again regarding this franchise.
So my top 3 FF with logos just for fun (from 1 to 3, from left to right):
Total ranking after the top 3:
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy XII
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasy II
- Final Fantasy V
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy I
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy III
Of course, it's not just a good-to-bad ranking, but mostly from the one I liked the most to the one I liked the least. But each of these games brought me joy and I loved playing it and will love to play it again. I tell you, in the next article.