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Friday, 25 December 2020 22:07

Happy Birthday Final Fantasy I

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Happy Birthday Final Fantasy I

Ah what a joy. Talking, writing, reading, watching or playing anything related to this franchise appeals to me enormously. I must also say that this is my second attempt to write this article. The first time I ended up writing 4 pages before touching on Final Fantasy number one. To be one hundred percent honest, I didn't at all, but at no time, say FF I except to say that I played it ...

So yes, this time must be the right one or I will start to doubt my ability to concentrate on one topic. So we're going to talk about this game, which I think is great. Obviously we have to take a lot of factors into account. First, the time when the game was released. The genre of this game, RPG obviously. The company that created the game. The circumstances in which this company was and ultimately what pushed to create this opus.

In short, we are not going to redo history otherwise I will end up making the whole history of the company without having talked about this game again. I get carried away so easily, it's crazy.

So what is this game going to be about? What can we expect? Quite simply to a magnificent story but where we quickly get to the heart of the matter. We are told only one thing, our destiny. Our characters (4) have no past history, at least we don't know it. We have to invent everything for them, their names and their classes. You can choose between warrior, monk, thief, black, white or red mage. For those unfamiliar with it, the warrior fights with sword and shield, the monk is bare-handed, the strongest physically and with the highest HP. The thief, well he's fast and his equipment isn't too expensive. The white mage heals, protects, and ensures that you survive. The Black Mage burns, freezes and electrifies your opponents, he can even spell alterations. The red mage is a mix between white and black. He is also physically strong and will therefore have the most versatility of any class.

The best thing is the classes evolve during the game. After a certain point in the story your characters get the evolved class of the one you chose. Thus the warrior becomes paladin, the monk becomes master, the thief becomes ninja and the various mages become sages. This allows each class to go even further in their basic characteristics. So you will have characters who are even stronger at what they can do and who will make you the player with the most powerful team in your world.

Now let's talk about the story. It's simple yet so well told, with great characters and amazing quests. The world is dying, devastating storms, marine cataclysms, nothing but misfortune. Nothing is going well, but the people are convinced that a prophecy will be fulfilled. That of Lukahn: “When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come. "

So you play as these four warriors. The world turns thanks to the four crystals. The four crystals which hold the power of the elements, earth, fire, wind and water. You will therefore have to brave all dangers in order to be able to free the crystals from their corruption. Then the world can get better again and you can say that the prophecy was not just a legend.

However, it goes a little further than all that. The first dungeon you do will also be the last. During your quest you will realize that you will need to return to the place where you completed your first quest. This is where I got my big surprise. Speaking of my experience, I didn't pay attention to the alert. If you come in you can't get out anymore so you have to be damn prepared. Above all, be very well equipped, a lot of items to heal yourself and a white mage! Because the red mages cannot heal as well as the white mages (or rather the sage) you will not be able to be as effective in resurrection. Having had two red mages and no white, it was quickly over with me. Without a good diversity of classes and enough items I figured I couldn't do it. BUT, backups are there for that. Having made a double save when entering the dungeon, I took this last one and I went to train myself a little to get some money, to sell objects that I did not need and I provided myself like crazy into a bunch of items that could help me succeed.

Finally all is well then. It was a little harder than if I had had a white mage I think, but what to do, I love being at the front and attacking without thinking too much like a good nag. So I was in Paladin, Master, Red Sage, and Red Sage mode. I spent my time exterminating the monsters as fast as possible without using too much magic. Indeed, the red sages can have superb equipment also for the attack, the paladin necessarily too and the master knocks everything out with his fists. Most of my MP are used for care and protection. When it turns out useful or necessary then we indulge ourselves with black magic.

I was then able to get rid of the vermin making this world a poor and sad place. Again we can be impressed by the script because in the end, no one will ever know everything we did. It was all a paradox. By putting an end to it, we are not making our destiny possible. So by doing what we do, we lose the memory of our exploits in our present. The villain, Garland turned Chaos, is actually taken from our present by the Chaos Demons, to go into the past and make their own existence possible. By doing this, they allow the prophecy to be fulfilled by creating the warriors of light that we embody. By going to destroy it, we are not allowing demons to exist or Garland to be Chaos. So we can't remember something that we've never done.

So yes, we save the world, in exchange we simply lose our memory so do all living people. No one will ever know that an unprecedented danger existed and that it was even a chaotic time loop until we intervene. It turns the brain upside down and it's just great in terms of imagination, ingenuity.

This game, just by its history, shows the full potential of this studio and its director. A small band of geniuses who will make us happy for so long. Today we are treated to a lot of games that no one should ignore if they love RPGs. We cannot miss this franchise or this Square Enix company which has created so many good games.

Thanks Final Fantasy

Additional Info

  • Translated By: Richard Godefroid
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